Most people have heard the phrase ‘self-produced’ in reference to horses but what does it really mean?

Some use the expression because they have been the only one to sit on a horse, some say that they have self-produced their horse after buying it backed, some breed and some ride a horse who’s already at a certain level and ‘produce’ said horse to the next level!

Do any of us ever really self-produce our horses and is it necessary to claim that we have?

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We run a rescue and training yard where each of our horses see vets, our dentist, our farrier and our chiropractor regularly (the vets probably less so as we’ve been really lucky and often only see them for inoculations) and are fed on a specific diet established by nutritionists. It seems like these professionals who most equestrians use are the unsung heroes of our sport and hobby!

We get a lot of ‘problem’ horses in to help, some buck, some rear but we are yet to find one who wasn’t helped by our chiropractor who is on her own level! We have had horses described to us as dangerous and haven’t displayed any problematic behavior after having the chiropractor and dentist out to them!

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We have had lame horses who have been sound after advice from our farrier who is also pro-barefoot so we really trust with our horses feet as we know he won’t suggest shoes unless he really thinks they will help.

We’re pretty hot on our vet care and rehabilitate injuries but having some of the best vets in the UK on call when we need them is a luxury we are so grateful of! We have fifteen veteran horses and sometimes the oldest (thirty-year-old Flame), gives us a scare! Even if the vets were only coming out to jab the horses, they still keep them on the road!

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Our dentist has come out to the most worried of rescues and looked after them as well as totally transforming the way some horses move and fixing behavioral problems!

Nutrition is another component which keeps our horses right. The slightest change in feed can make a huge difference to a horse and supplements added can be tailored to specific ailments. We have done a lot of research into nutrition but we still rely on the feed companies to actually make the feed and supplements which our horses thrive on!

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After this list of things and people keeping our horses in shape, riding seems like a small part of a much bigger picture!

We always make sure to thank our professionals and attribute part of our success to them but we would love for them to receive more recognition for the amazing work that they do! We do not produce horses on our own, we have the most amazing team behind us and we are grateful to every one of its members!

Our amazing Chiropractor:

Our fully qualified Equine Dentist who works with our rescues and ‘problem’ horses:

Our farrier, who works with barefoot horses and shod horses alike. Recently he has helped us rehabilitate a horse with hoof wall separation and under run soul. Said horse wouldn’t let anyone near her feet three weeks before Tom came out so he had to work gently and carefully to gain her trust!

Our vets who have helped extremely worried rescues with an extreme fear of new people as well as needles; our old man, Flame (pictured above in his winter woollies) with an uncomfortable sheath as well as joint problems; and big injuries from a horse falling up a ramp!

One of our sponsors, Protexin Equine Premium, create amazing supplements for gut and joint health and are among many of the nutritionists who we really trust and think highly of:

These are the experiences and opinions of Hesteyri Horses and are independent of Horsemart.

Hesteyri Horses
Horsemart Brand Ambassador
Published on 20-05-2019
Hesteyri Horses are comprised of Meg and Lauren, based in Gloucestershire. They are a family owned horse training yard dedicated to helping all horse’s and ponies. “We are horse trainers with a difference. As well as our usual backing, training and competing, we also work with a lot of rescue and ‘problem’ horses. This started because almost all of our own horses were rescues or rejects of some form and we became known for being the girls who would work with any horse and make sure they all have as many chances as they need.”