
Pick the perfect name for your new horse or foal

Maybe you’re in need of a name for your new foal or maybe you’ve just become the proud owner of a horse you purchased on Horsemart and you fancy a name change? Whatever the reason, picking a great horse name, that your new friend will love as much as you, is one of the most important tasks when it comes to getting a new horse!

Picking a name that perfectly suits your horse can be tricky... where do you even start? Well, you’re in luck, because here at Horsemart, we’ve created a list of the best, most popular and most unique horse names that have featured on our site over the years. What’s more, we’ve got the top 10 names for boys and the top 10 names for girls, as well as a rundown of the most popular names by breed.

Popular horse names are always changing, so we see everything from the exotic – like Xeta Maria – to the traditional – like Jack, and we love them all! From the outrageously imaginative to the sweet and simple, there’s bound to be name on our list that you’ll adore!

We would love to know what your horse is called! Tell us on our Facebook page @HorsemartOfficial. You might just inspire other horse owners with your original ideas!

Horse Names Infographic


Top 10 Female Horse Names

Pretty female horse names are always going to be popular, however, we noticed a strong trend for names ending in an ‘e’ sound; they're nice and girly, but not too much!

1. Rosie
2. Mona
3. Bella
4. Molly
5. Poppy
6. Lily
7. Millie
8. Lady
9. Lucy
10. Bonnie

We also noticed that most people prefer to give their horses human names, in contrast to the old tradition of giving our animals names more obviously associated with pets. We think this is pretty fitting, considering they’re as much a part of the family as any other member, so why not give them a name that suits!


Top 10 Male Horse Names

These popular and classic male horse names are always in fashion. In fact, over the years, we’ve seen very little change in the boys’ names that take the top ten spots. Naturally, some names come and go, but they all tend to have a classic and gentle aspect to them.

1. Jack
2. Charlie
3. Billy
4. Harry
5. Bailey
6. Alfie
7. George
8. Murphy
9. Bobby
10. Jimmy

Of course, not all of us are into giving our horses human names and there are some that are far from common. Here are some of the best unique names we discovered, that could only be fit for a horse!


Top 10 Most Unique Horse Names

1. Whiskey
2. Tido
3. Dragonfly
4. Tori
5. Snow Feet
6. Icefall
7. Mystery
8. Cavier
9. Swiftsilver
10. Cinders
11. Night Sparkle

Ok, so there's 11... because we couldn't leave out 'Night Sparkle'!

If none of the above take your fancy, don’t worry! Our horse name inspiration doesn’t end here...

Here are the most popular horse names, sorted by the top 10 breeds on Horsemart;


Top 10 Horse Names for Cobs

Friendly and reliable, cobs are often the most popular horses on site for this very reason – have you owned a cob with one of these names?

1. Romeo
2. Hetty
3. Jake
4. Chester
5. Badger
6. Minstral
7. Sidney
8. Puzzle
9. KitKat
10. Buzz

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Top 10 Names for Arab Horses

Arab horses make for the ideal riding companions; they are tough, strong and learn quickly. Plus, their loving nature means you’ll have a friend for life! These popular names mirror their personalities perfectly;

1. Lyla
2. Tilly
3. Snazzy
4. Prince
5. Smartie
6. J S Hypnotica
7. Kalibis
8. Hyait
9. Tekka
10. Edora

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Top 10 Names for Irish Sport Horses

Famous for their strength in showjumping, these popular names for Irish Sport Horses reflect their Irish heritage and showjumping background;

1. Molly
2. Ginny
3. Max
4. Milly
5. Molly
6. Circus
7. Silver Jasper
8. Leon
9. Rosie
10. Sienna

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Top 10 Names for Connemaras

The Irish influence can also be seen in some of the most popular names for the Connemara horse...

1. Apollo
2. Rosie
3. Dexter
4. Connie
5. Pepper
6. Bobby
7. Rolo
8. Linvanton Aengus
9. Fizz
10. Roshanna

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Top 10 Names for Appaloosas

Much like their distinct appearance, some of the most popular names for Appaloosas reflect their uniqueness. We're not surprised to see ‘Spot’ appearing in the top 5!

1. Harvey
2. Caricks
3. Zona
4. Spot
5. Poppy
6. Jenny
7. Hampton
8. Sprint
9. Geronimo
10. Jimmy

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Top 10 Names for Paint Horses

These powerful names are the perfect match for the strong and intelligent Paint Horse;

1. Valerie
2. Bella
3. Montie
4. Bindy
5. Niall
6. Mildred
7. Rosie
8. Amelio
9. Jackson
10. Thompson

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Top 10 Names for Dutch Warmbloods

Dutch Warmbloods are well-known for their strength in Olympic dressage events – these stunning horses are certainly deserving of these regal names;

1. Nexus
2. Ben
3. Hollie
4. Benny
5. Pretty
6. Xeta
7. Mona
8. Maximus
9. Jonny
10. Turner

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Top 10 Names for Thoroughbreds

This breed of ‘speed-machines’ is synonymous with racing, and there are definitely some strong racing horse names appearing in this list...

1. Happy Jack
2. Morgan Galaxy
3. Phoebe
4. Ellie
5. Eclipse
6. Lily
7. Rosie
8. Polly
9. Jim
10. Bobby

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Top 10 Names for Welsh Section A Horses

The Welsh Section A horse is the founding breed for the Welsh Pony, so we were not surprised to see some strong and traditional names among the most popular horse names for this breed.

1. Vincenzo
2. Daisy
3. Oxney Jack
4. Mary
5. Chester
6. Minty
7. Phillip
8. Poppy
9. Angie
10. Dustin

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Top 10 Names for Shetland Ponies

Cute and cheeky by nature, cute and cheeky by name – we think these popular names are the perfect match for the small, but perfectly formed Shetland Pony breed!

1. Millie
2. Jack
3. Tommy
4. Lunar
5. Twinkle Feet
6. Bobby
7. Sam
8. Chester
9. Buzz
10. Freddy

Browse Shetland Ponies now


If you’re still searching for your next four-legged companion, don’t forget to check out the thousands of horses for sale on Horsemart. We also offer a wealth of horse-related advice and guidance on our Community Blog, designed to help with all aspects of caring for your horse.

Why not take our fun quiz to find out what your name would be if you were a horse!

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Published on 23-08-2016