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Home / Community home / Equestrian Advice & Guides / Your Brain Can't Tell The Diff...

Your Brain Can't Tell The Difference Between What's Real And What's Imagined - A Guide To Using Imagery In Your Training

Research has shown that when an individual engages in vivid and absorbing imagery the brain interprets this as identical to the event happening. In other words, the brain can’t tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. What this means for us as riders is that we don’t have to ride 10 horses a day, have access to high level school masters or daily coaching to improve our riding. Those 10,000 hours that the experts say we need to do to reach excellence – well some of them can be done in our head!

Imagery involves using all our senses to create or recreate an experience in the mind. It allows riders to practise skills and strategies without physically being on a horse or in the training environment. It can be used by beginners and experienced riders alike to enhance physical and psychological skills.

How does imagery work?

A simple exercise to demonstrate the power of imagery can be done either mounted or dismounted. Stand with one arm out to the side at shoulder height. Take your arm back behind you, twisting at the waist but without moving from the spot. Go as far round with your arm as you can and note a point that marks this position e.g. a tree, a fence post, a car.

Now return to the starting position, close your eyes and visualise your arm going back to the tree or fence post you noted. Now visualise it going further round to the next fence post, tree or other marker.

Open your eyes and repeat the exercise again aiming to take you arm as far round as possible without moving from the spot. This time you will be able to take your arm further round and reach the spot you visualised. Repeat this several more times picking points further and further round. See how much you can increase the range that your arm can travel.

Using imagery to learn sport skills:

Using imagery to practise sport skills:

Using imagery to practise strategies:

Using imagery to problem solve:

Using imagery to enhance psychological skills:

To make imagery work for you follow these simple guidelines:

Remember - Chance favours a prepared mind and daydreaming incubates creative discovery (Daniel Goleman - Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence)

Really that’s all imagery is – preparing your mind and focused day dreaming! I don’t know about you but I could happily spend most of my time out of the saddle thinking about being back in it!


Illustrations courtesy of Steph Tranter -

The author of this article, Alison Lincoln, is a writer, coach and freelance groom. To find out more about her and her coaching work, please visit her website >

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Alison Lincoln
Horsemart Content Contributor
Published on 01-07-2020
With an Equine Science Degree, Alison has taught on higher education courses in colleges across the UK. Her book “Equine Sports Coaching” was published in 2008 and remains on the BHS recommended reading list for their coaching qualifications. In 2022, Alison released her latest book "Be Your Own Equine Sports Coach", in which she discusses how to build personalised strategies and learn about the techniques that will enable you to unleash your riding potential. She has trained and ridden her own horses to medium-level dressage, novice eventing, and foxhunter show jumping.